Reasons for blood clots during menstrual cycle

blood clotsIt is normal for blood clots to appear during menstrual periods. However, if the clot size is more than a fist you should consult a doctor.

Keep reading to know more as this article will give you some of the common reasons for blood clots during menstrual cycle.

During your menstrual cycle, your body will prepare for pregnancy. Progesterone and estrogen hormones will help the uterus lining to thicken at this time to house the fetus.

If fertilization does not take place, the inner uterine lining sheds and the uterus returns to its original size and shape.

The thickness and color of the discharge might be different as your cycle progresses. As mentioned above, the formation of clots is normal during periods.

Reasons for Blood Clots during Menstrual Cycle

Enlarged Uterus: During pregnancy the uterus enlarges to accommodate the fetus easily, but it will shrink to the normal size after. However, this might not happen in certain cases. The blood can accumulate and form a clot before it’s released from your body.

Hormonal Imbalance: Progesterone and estrogen hormones cause the uterine lining to thicken and shed. If something disturbs this balance, the uterus might become very thick and blood clots will form.

Fibroids: These are non-cancerous tumors and they grow in the uterine wall. Fibroids are sensitive to the estrogen, so they will grow considerably when the hormone level rises during menstruation.

This condition leads to heavy bleeding and blood clots.

Endometriosis: When women have this condition, cells which intended to grow in the uterus wall will also grow on other sites. These tissues will work the same way and shed if fertilization does not occur. This will lead to blood clots, pain, and heavy bleeding.

Obstruction in blood flow: Any obstruction in blood outflow can cause blood clots. This can be a cyst that grows in the blood flow path or polyps, an outgrowth in the uterus.

There are many other reasons why you might see blood clots when menstruating. Some of them include miscarriage, menopausal changes, side effects of certain drugs, abrupt weight loss or weight gain and disorders such as cancer, blood disorders, liver problems, thyroid problems, kidney disorders, etc.

Overall, you will have nothing to worry about if the blood clots are very small. However, it is best to see a doctor if they are bigger in size. The treatment will be given based on what causes the clots.

If it’s linked to hormonal imbalance, the doctor might recommend hormone replacement therapy. In the case of fibroids and cysts, surgical methods or medication might be recommended for the removal.

You can avoid complicated situations if diagnosis and treatment is done in a timely manner.

Now that you know about the reasons for blood clots during the menstrual cycle, you should not hesitate to consult a doctor if you notice abnormal changes in the discharge.

Image: Pixabay

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