13 Sexual Myths About Conceiving

When you’re trying to get pregnant, you may be overwhelmed by all of the misconceptions surrounding the subject. There are plenty of myths perpetuated by old wives’ tales and Internet hearsay that puts out deceptive theories as to what affects conception. While there are certainly positive and negative ways that conceiving can be affected, many of the ideas out there are simply myths. Here are some common sexual myths about conception: 1. Myth: Certain Sex Positions Can Increase Your Chances of Conception The idea here is that certain positions that allow for deeper penetration are thought to position the sperm

13 Sexual Myths About Conceiving

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  1. Skeeta May 30, 2018
  2. SIS HOPE March 8, 2016
  3. Thelma ijeoma ekwu March 7, 2016